How to use the clock?

simply rez the clock on the ground and you are ready to go.

Is it possible to change the timezone?

Yes ofc. Click the grandfather clock and use the buttons “Timezone + and Timezone -” to adjust the clock to your timezone.

What does DST mean?

DST is short for daylight saving time. Clicking it will turn DST on or off.

Hovertext Button?

This button is for toggle the hovertext clock 😉

What are the buttons below the sound menu?
HourTurn on / off hour chime sound
Range –reduce soundrange by 1m
Range —reduce soundrange by 5m
Range —reduce soundrange by 10m
Range +increase soundrange by 1m
Range ++increase soundrange by 5m
Range +++increase soundrange by 10m
TickingTurn on / off ticking sound
Volume –reduce soundvolume by 1%
Volume —reduce soundvolume by 5%
Volume —reduce soundvolume by 10%
Volume +increase soundvolume by 1%
Volume ++increase soundvolume by 5%
Volume +++increase soundvolume by 10%
What is the menu below the *Access – button for?

Here you can set, who might be possible to get a menu on lick, to change clock settings.
Possible is public, group and owner only.

Can i change textures?

Sure. just ise the “Textures” button for. You can change the color of the wood, metal-parts and clock-face.

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