How to setup clothes with Undress Me?

What do i need?
  • several mesh-objects (clothes) for every strip-step
  • an root-prim (own cube) for better touch ability
  • a piece of land to build on, like an sandbox πŸ˜›
How to start setting up clothes with Undress Me?

First of all, you need to rez all your clothing parts next to each other. Beginning with your root prim.

Now rightclick and select edit from the pie-menu onto one of your clothing parts. Now hold down the ctrl-key while clicking all other clothing parts to select them. While you do so, they got highlighted. The order of selection doesn’t matter, just be sure you are selecting your root prim as last one. Otherwise it wouldn’t be the root-prim anymore.

Last but not least, from your viewer menu select “Build->Link” or hit CTRL+L. Now the root-prim got highlighted yellow. The other ones stay highlighted in light blue. This means, they are linked together now.

I already rezed my clothes and linked them correctly. What now?

From your build menu hit over to the content tab.
Now simply drag and drop the Undress Me Configuration Helper Script into the content field of the root-prim. An configuration dialog should appear. If you accidentally closed it, simply click your cloth and you get a new dialog.

Use the menu to configure your clothes. If you add a step, it goes through the linked prims and ask you 2 questions each. (Should it be visible in step, and does it use another transparency than 100%). The current working prim is always marked with a red arrow. The first step is always the default state.

For more informations about the menu buttons, see the dialog menu descriptions at the end of this page.

I finished configuring. What next?

Hit the Finalize-button and wait until your configuration is dumped into the chat.

Copy and paste the putput from your chat, into the Ucfg notecard and save it. There is no need to remove timestamps or online offline messages. But you can do, if you want a clean config. πŸ™‚

Now take the undress me script and the Ucfg notecard. drop both into the content of your clothing object, where you dropped your configuration helper script before.

As last step, you simply need to set the correct permissions for the script and your clothes, in order to work properly. Now all is finished πŸ™‚

What’s about the Dirty Talk? How can I enable it and create own phrases?

Whenever a person successfully does a strip on the clothes, a specific phrase is getting send to him. Here you can use dirty talk phrases πŸ™‚
To enable the dirty talk feature on your clothes, simply drop the dirty talk script into the root-prim content of your clothes. Also drop the phrases notecard called “dtalk” there. Both things are located within the addons folder inside your Undress Me folder.
Please always be sure the script is set to transfer or copy only. Please also adjust this for the config notecard.
Within the “dtalk-notecard” you can write your phrases. One phrase per line. Simply save the notecard afterwards. That’s all πŸ™‚

Is there any kind of API? for scripters?

Yes, ofc there is. There are several API-commands that got send via llMessageLinked() to the root-prim.
Example: llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 23692, “full strip”,””);
23692 is the “api_id“, that always gets transmitted to decide between linked messages.
Optional you could use the API Relay script, located within the addons folder inside of your undress me script folder. This script relays all API-Messages to chat-channel 23692 receivableby owner only.

commands that are getting transmitted through API:

full stripFull strip” button got clicked
full dressFull dress” button got clicked
stripStrip” button got clicked
dressGet dressed” button got clicked
#A1when ever a stage is reached, it sends out #A followed by the step number
nakedperson got fully stripped
clothedperson got fully clothed
The undress me helper script menu described
menu buttondescription
+Stepadd a new step to configuration.
-Stepremove the last configured step
ButtonsRename strip and dress buttons
FinalizeFinalizes the configuration and dumps it into chat.
CancelCloses the current dialog.
The undress me dialog menus described
menu buttonlocated indescription
~~~~*~~~~global buttonplaceholder button without effect
+X secinterval menuX is a placeholder for either 1,10 or 30. Increase the auto strip interval time.
-X secinterval menuX is a placeholder for either 1,10 or 30. Decreases the auto strip interval time.
βœ“ Auto stripoptions menuAuto strip feature is enabled. Click to disable.
βœ“ Dirty talkoptions menuDirty talk feature is enabled. Click to disable.
βœ— Auto stripoptions menuAuto strip feature is disabled. Click to enable.
βœ— Dirty talkoptions menuDirty talk feature is disabled. Click to enable.
Accessmain menulead you to the access menu
Auto stripmain menuenables auto strip
Backglobal buttonleads you back to the main menu
Exitglobal buttonclose the dialog
fully dressedmain menufully dress the person
Full stripmain menufully undress the person
Get dressedmain menudress the person 1 step
Groupaccess menuset access mode to group access
Intervalmain menuset the interval time for auto strip feature
List addaccess menuadd a nearby person to your access list
List onlyaccess menuset access mode to list only
List printaccess menuprints all persons on your access list into your chat
List removeaccess menuremoves a person from your access list
Optionsmain menuleads you to the options menu
Publicaccess menuset access mode to public access
Resetoptions menuresets the full script
Stripmain menuundress the person 1 step
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